September 11, 2010

Day 254

Photos of my computer screen have not turned out so well in the past, so tonight I captured my screen electronically instead of using a camera. Welcome to This website is amazing. You can put your to-do lists in here (categorized by various parts of your life, if you want), enter due dates, whether the task repeats, estimate how long the task will take, etc. You can also share task lists with other people (so I can share Patrick's honey-do list with him as I think of things - excellent!). Since I have a TON of irons in the fire right now, this thing is doing a good job (at least so far) of keeping me focused this semester. Plus, its mascot is a cow. Basically, I had no option but to like this thing. :) Thanks to Patrick for introducing me!

And, on a more serious note, thanks to all those who risk their lives or have given their lives defending our freedom. On this anniversary of 9/11/01, let us all remember their sacrifice, pray for their families, and thank those we know who serve our cities, states, and nation daily. We remember.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely going to try that out on my phone! Thanks for sharing. :)
