November 1, 2010

Day 305

While working on my teaching plans for this week, I decided that Friday I would break my students up into groups to practice some new skills. So, I took one of their standard roll sheets and highlighted the names so that each group was a particular color. That way, when the roll sheet circulates at the beginning of class, students will learn what group they're in without me having to stand in the front of the class and announce it. Then, I can just tell them where I want each group to locate and let them scatter into their groups. I also group by many criteria: Ability, personality, gender, making sure people aren't with their "buddies", etc. It takes me a while to do this, but (I hope) it really helps class to run smoothly on groupwork days. Plus, students never get bored with their group because it changes every time! Here's this week's roll sheet (with identifying information protected):

Quote #5: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

1 comment:

  1. You really are a geek. This from a fellow equally geeking math nerd.
