July 21, 2010

Day 202

Happy Birthday to Me! I had a great day today thanks to many of my friends and family members. After teaching this morning, I went to meet Candace and her daughter for lunch at Freebird's. (We both had free burritos coming from their rewards program!) Michelle surprised me by coming, too! We had a great lunch together. Here's one side of the table...

... and the other!

Freebird's has a tradition of letting people have foil to save leftover food. Along the way, people have created foil "sculptures" that are displayed throughout the restaurant. Candace and her daughter grabbed some foil and made me a fabulous birthday cake complete with candles!

Isn't that amazing? I was so impressed that I took it home instead of leaving it at Freebird's! :) After lunch, we walked the 1/2 block or so down to Passionberri for dessert. Normally, I try to be "good" and put fruit in my yogurt, but today it was all about indulgence.

Passionberri has a big whiteboard near the stools where you can sit and eat, and Candace left me a little note:

After dessert, I went home, watched a couple of episodes of House, made a Walmart run, did a bit of work, etc. Then, when Patrick got home, we decided to try a local Mexican place, Tarahumara's, for dinner. I was fascinated by the fact that they separated my two flavors of enchilada on the plate so that the sauces didn't run together.

Genius! They also had bendy straws, which earned them major points in my book. A huge THANKS to all those who helped make my day special - either in person, online, or on the phone! You guys are the best!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Happy Birthday to such a GREAT friend!!! Glad you had a wonderful day. Love & miss you!!
