May 5, 2010

Day 125

I have been waiting for this blog post all Spring! From my office window, I have a good view of what I have always called "The Rose Garden" on campus. Today, I needed a break from working on my paper, so I went outside to get some shots of the garden in bloom! :)

Approaching the garden from my building

Getting closer!

Entering the garden through the archway...

...although these flowers on growing on the trellis don't look like roses to me!

The roses came in several colors...

some growing alone...

some growing in groups...

...and some just starting to open up to the world!

If I weren't allergic to Oklahoma and prone to sunburn, I could have sat out there for quite a while today! (Yes, yes, I am a weenie when it comes to these things...) I also took a picture of something I found amusing today. Never before has the height of my laptop on the desk been an issue for me, but today it just felt too low. Solution? Put some of those big books I have around the office to good use! Muahaha!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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