February 14, 2010

Day 45

I couldn't share this with you last night, but I can tonight:  Patrick got all 50 states in his Snow Shot of America!  You can read all about how Hawaii miraculously came through (but then had to be verified) and the great people who helped make it happen on Patrick's blog.  NPR also updated their story to reflect the good news.  Patrick has posted a "Thank You!" to all who helped with the process.  You can see that (and updates on the photo compilation) on his blog.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled blog programming.  :)  Patrick may have been busy the past few days, but he still found time to get me a Valentine's Day gift:  SNOW!  :)  Here's the view out our back door for a few lovely minutes this morning:

And then, seriously, within the hour, the snow had vanished from all paved surfaces and was struggling to survive in the grass.  At least it was beautiful and magical for a few minutes!  Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. A White Christmas and a White Valentine's Day. I must think you are special! :-)
