March 31, 2010

Day 90

First flip-flop day of the season!  Woohoo!

March 30, 2010

Day 89

The calm before the storm at the business calculus exam I helped proctor tonight. Throughout the exam, all I could think of was the song "Another One Bites the Dust." This might be a bad sign for my students.  :)

March 29, 2010

Day 88

Okay... not a great picture, but this is the 27-page document I turned in this afternoon. Shoo. It ended up longer than it was supposed to be, and I ended up doing it in about 24 hours (only about 8 of which were spent doing other things...). The paper is sitting on my lap desk, which I love for working on my laptop on long assignments such as this. :)  SO glad this paper is finished!  Let's hope it was what my professor wanted...

March 28, 2010

Day 87

As is always the case when I have lots to read / write, I am relying on these pretty heavily tonight...

March 27, 2010

Day 86

Had a great time at the conference (and spending the weekend with a great friend!), but it is SO good to be home... even thought it means I have to unpack, do laundry, and write papers for Monday.  :)

March 26, 2010

Day 85

So, Candace and I are at the MAA Section Meeting at JBU today / tomorrow morning.  We got up early this morning to get here on time from Fort Smith, but it was totally worth it.  Look what we made in our first session at the conference today!

Bonus points if someone knows what this is called!  :)  We had a long-ish dinner break, so we checked into the hotel early and relaxed for a bit.  The bathroom is SO big and really pretty, so I'm including pictures of it here.  Yes, that's strange, and I don't care. We both decided we want the hotel decorators to work on our houses someday.  :)

March 25, 2010

Day 84

Got to see my favorite dog tonight... Too bad she's in heat so we couldn't really cuddle. :(

March 24, 2010

Day 83

Bye-bye, Bubba!  We enjoyed having you here!

March 23, 2010

Day 82

My brother is in town!  :)  We had a great lunch at a new restaurant on Campus Corner (Iron Starr Urban Barbecue). Then, after a surprisingly full afternoon, we had dinner at Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill in Bricktown.  The benches where you wait look like truck tailgates, so I had to get a picture on one:

We walked around Bricktown a bit, then drove out to Steak'n'Shake for dessert because my brother had never had one of their shakes.  Needless to say, despite the fact that I brought a good bit of my entree home, I don't need to eat again for several days!  (Or, at least until breakfast tomorrow...) :)  All in all, a very good day!

March 22, 2010

Day 81

So, today I gave my officemate this magnet. She put it on the file cabinet in our office, which is right by the chair where we do most of our work / complaining / commiserating. It seemed appropriate. MLIA. :)

March 21, 2010

Day 80

Clearly, Candace and I cannot be trusted together. Look at where we ended up today (again). :)

March 20, 2010

Day 79

Here are those "contrasting pictures" I promised you yesterday:

No, this picture isn't blurry.  That's how hard those little snowflakes were pelting me with all the wind we've had!

I can't believe Spring Break is ending and we have this much new snow!  Crazy!

March 19, 2010

Day 78

Took a few pictures of the gorgeous day we had today - it was over 70 and so bright outside!  By the time I took these around 4:00, the clouds were already overhead.  I hope to have contrasting pictures tomorrow!  :)

March 18, 2010

Day 77

I spent roughly 6 hours last night and this morning cleaning the house.  My Swiffer and Swiffer Duster definitely came in handy!  :)

March 17, 2010

Day 76

So sad - empty garage.  :(  Herbie (my Honda) is staying overnight at the doctor tonight to have some *ahem* work done.  :)  Hopefully he'll be back in his garage tomorrow!

March 16, 2010

Day 75

Apparently I was in a baking mood today... 4 different kinds of muffins!  Definitely taking some up to school tomorrow, because there's no way I can eat them all myself!  (Ironically, I did all this baking during The Biggest Loser...)

March 15, 2010

Day 74

Got to have lunch with my longtime BFF Emily!  It's so wonderful to have a friendship you can keep counting on despite distance, life, etc.  Love you!

March 14, 2010

Day 73

Back in January, I introduced you to my in-laws' dog Ivy.  Meet another canine member of the Marsh family, Tron, and his human (and my wonderful sister-in-law) Nikki.  Tron is also a miniature Dachshund, and I always think his coloring looks like a Butterfinger candy bar!  He's a sweetheart of a dog (plus, an Okie by birth), too!  :)

March 13, 2010

Day 72

Meet my family - Dad, my brother Andrew, and Mom.  :)  Patrick and I got to hang out with them this afternoon and have a lovely dinner with them (and my grandparents) this evening.  Thanks for a good day!

March 12, 2010

Day 71

The chalkboard countdown doesn't lie... It's finally Spring Break!  :)

March 11, 2010

Day 70

Time to get a brighter color on those toes for springtime!  :)

March 10, 2010

Day 69

My mother-in-law Tia sponsors the Quiz Bowl team at the junior high where she teaches, and today they were in town to tour the Weather Center and the OKC Memorial.  I was able to meet up with the group for lunch at the Mont.  It was good to get to see Tia today, even if it was for a short time!  :)  Love you!

March 9, 2010

Day 68

How gorgeous is this sky???  Spring, is that you I see?

(This the OU clock tower and Bizzell Library from the ground view.  This way my dirty office windows don't obscure the fabulous colors!)

March 8, 2010

Day 67


Patrick in his natural habitat... a dark room with multiple electronics. :)

March 7, 2010

Day 66


March 6, 2010

Day 65

My weekend... reading and writing.  *sigh*  Just a couple of months of classes left!

March 5, 2010

Day 64

Michelle and I have had motivation issues with school lately, so we re-instituted the "office chalkboard countdown" that Ann and I used to use in the office.  We realized that counting all the way down to finals was too depressing, so we broke it into baby steps:

(Sorry for the chalkboard flash.  It was too blurry without the flash.)  Since Michelle isn't here every day of the week, she set up her own countdowns on her chalkboard for the days she has to be on campus:


 The other piece of motivation on my chalkboard is the whip Candace drew a few weeks ago... she was "cracking the whip" to make me work!

March 4, 2010

Day 63


All dressed up for the interview today.  (I was starting to blink as the camera flashed, hence the squinting.)

And, the "winning" pair of shoes to accompany the suit.

March 3, 2010

Day 62


I have a scholarship interview tomorrow, and I have been stressing about what shoes go best with my suit.  After looking at pictures of Michelle's shoes and trying on all of my "nice" black shoes (plus a pair I borrowed from Candace), I have it narrowed down to 2 that will go with me tomorrow.  Hopefully my wonderful friends can help me make the last-minute decision!  :)

March 2, 2010

Day 61

My new favorite snack food... These are wild blueberry flavor, and they smell and taste SO good.  I liked them so much I had to take them to school to share.  :)

March 1, 2010

Day 60

Any idea what's wrong with this picture?  (It's my car parked in the parking garage near my building.)

If you noticed that my OU parking permit is missing, you are correct!  Candace drove us to work out on Saturday, so we put my permit in her car. Neither of us noticed that the permit was still there until she saw it while she was driving this morning.  Oooooops.  :)  Fortunately, Candace had an early class, so she got my permit to me before the parking enforcement people found my car.  This is what it should have looked like (minus the dirt, I know, I know):


It's definitely Monday!  :)